Student Events

The Young Female Researchers in Speech Workshop (YFRSW) is a workshop for women undergraduate and masters students who are currently working in speech science and technology. It is designed to foster interest in research in our field in women at the undergraduate or master level who have not yet committed to getting a PhD in speech science or technology areas, but who have had some research experience in their collegea and universities via individual or group projects.
The workshop is to be held prior to Interspeech 2019 on Saturday, September 14th, 2019, in Graz, Austria. It will feature panel discussions with PhD students and senior researchers in the field, student poster presentations and a mentoring session. Student poster presentations should give an overview of a current or planned research project in which the student is involved, with an emphasis on promoting discussion.
The workshop is the fourth of its kind, after a successful inaugural event YFRSW 2016 at Interspeech 2016 in San Francisco, USA, YFRSW 2017 at Interspeech 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden, and YFRSW 2018 at Interspeech in Hyderabad, India.
Travel funds are available for students accepted to attend the workshop.
How to submit:
- To attend the workshop please send an abstract describing your (planned) research (maximum of 300 words). This abstract should be submitted by email to by June 1, 2019.
- Abstracts will be reviewed by the committee and applicants will be notified as soon as possible. We will emphasize inclusivity although all submissions should be in the core scientific domains covered by Interspeech.
Please direct any questions to:
Date: September 14, 2019
Location: Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 25d, 8010 Graz, Austria
The Student Advisory Committee of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA-SAC) is pleased to announce the 5th Doctoral Consortium. This event gives doctoral candidates the opportunity to present and discuss their research with a panel of experts. The discussion includes feedback on the evolution and progress of their research. It helps them to identify a road-map toward refining their thesis. Doctoral students from speech-related disciplines participating in Interspeech 2019 are invited to apply. Participants will be selected based on their submitted abstracts.
Panel of Experts:
- Kate Knill (University of Cambridge)
- Anouschka Foltz (University of Graz)
- João Freitas (DefinedCrowd)
- Ngoc Thang Vu (University of Stuttgart)
- Hema Murthy (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
- Simon King (University of Edinburgh)
- Sebastian Möller (Technical University of Berlin)
- Dayana Ribas (University of Zaragoza)
- Kyu Han (ASAPP)
The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is an all-day event taking place just before Interspeech 2019 in Graz at the University of Technology. DC is co-located with the Workshop for Young Female Researchers in Speech & Technology (YFRSW).
Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
Content: Applicants are to submit an extended two-page abstract, briefing about the research pursued towards their thesis. It may incorporate published and in-progress work. The abstract must highlight the following points:
- motivation of your research
- key issues identified and/or addressed
- discussion of results
- future plans and road map for the thesis
- major contributions of your research
- Abstracts may be extended to a maximum of two pages including all text, figures and tables, plus an additional page for references.
- Abstracts have to follow the Interspeech 2019 template provided in the author's kit.
- Abstracts must have the applicant as the sole author. Acknowledgement towards supervisors, supporting agencies, and contributors to the work, can be made in a separate section.
- Submit your abstract in PDF format through LinguistList’s EasyAbs
- Accepted submissions will be published on and thus a submission inherently indicates a consent towards ISCA-SAC to publish the abstract.
Important Dates
June 17, 2019 – Submission portal opens
July 17, 2019 – Abstract submission deadline (extended!)
July 22, 2019 – Acceptance/rejection notification
July 29, 2019 – Camera-ready abstract due
Sept 14, 2019 – 5th Doctoral Consortium
Contact: Iona Gessinger, E-mail:
Date: September 18, 2019, 13:30–15:30
Location: Hall 3
We are very excited to announce this year's panel for Students Meet Experts event at Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria.
This year’s panel of experts includes:
- Björn Hoffmeister (Amazon)
- Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland)
- Petr Motlicek (IDIAP, Switzerland)
- Sakti Sakriani (University NAIST, Japan & RIKEN AIP)
- Tanja Schulz (University of Bremen, Germany)
- Juraj Simko (University of Helsinki, Finland, previously Microsoft)
- Yannis Stylianou (Apple & University of Crete, Greece)
- Petra Wagner (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
- Junichi Yamagishi (University NII, Tokyo, Japan)
After successful editions in Lyon (2013), Singapore (2014), San Francisco (2016), Stockholm (2017), and Hyderabad (2018) the Students Meet Experts event is now coming to Interspeech 2019 in Graz. We will have a panel discussion with experts from academia and industry, followed by an informal opportunity to mingle and ask more in depth questions at the SME coffee break.
All students are welcome!
There will be no registration but the space at the venue will be limited.
You are welcome to submit questions to be asked from the expert panel. A selection of the submitted questions will be asked from the panel of experts. Please keep in mind that the experts and the audience are coming from different fields, so field specific and technical questions are less likely to be presented to the panel. To submit your questions, we ask you to fill in this form.
See you in Graz!
Date and Time: 17th of September 2019, 4–6 PM
Location: Lunch & Special Events on lower level
Registration is now available: Register now!
The Student Advisory Committee of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA-SAC) is pleased to announce the 1st Mentoring Event of SAC! This event gives doctoral candidates the opportunity to engage with fresh PhD graduates and established experts. This is SAC’s first attempt to engage with SAC Alumni and we are very excited!
Mentoring aims to provide a warm environment for discussing problems involving academia vs industry, woman in science, stress management, professional development, etc. This event will be with round tables, each table will have an expert (from academia or industry), 1-2 PhD graduates, and 6-8 PhD students. Each table will have an assigned topic and the experts will be chosen and invited accordingly. The event will be held during one of the normal session times (= 1.5 hours). Refreshments will be provided.
- John Hansen, University of Texas at Dallas, United States
- Haizhou Li, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Alan Black, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
- Jerome Bellagarde, Apple, United States
- Isabel Trancoso, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
- Odette Scharenborg, TU Delft, Netherlands
- Peter Bell, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- Chiori Hori, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, US
Registration: Doctoral students from speech-related disciplines participating in Interspeech 2019 are invited to apply.
Berrak Sisman (
Are you interested in the crossroads of speech and language? Do you have innovative and visionary ideas for how the world should interact with you? In many situations spoken communication is the most natural or only way to engage with the world around you. Do you have interesting ideas how you could communicate with rich sensory data through speech?
If these are questions of interest to you, then join us for the first INTERSPEECH Hackathon in Graz, Austria. You will have access to Amazon Alexa devices as well as rich sensors that should be used, and of course you can also bring your own sensors or other gadgets.
At this hackathon, you are invited to work together with people from across the world with different backgrounds and expertise. You either already are part of a team, or you may wish to discuss your visions and ideas with others on our platform and form a team. Your team should submit a proposal to participate in the 2-day event in Graz, from September 14–15. If accepted, we will provide free Pizza and Almdudler or other soft drinks! As a participating team you also have the chance to win a prize and present your idea at the INTERSPEECH conference.
You will work in teams of 3, which can be formed prior to the hackathon or on-site. The topic of the hackathon will be “Environmental and Climate Protection”. Please make sure to register through the registration form linked below:
» Link to the registration form
Schedule (tentative):
- September 14:
- 900 AM: Check in and get-together
- 930 AM – 1000 AM: Official Welcome, topic announcement and short introduction of available Amazon gadgets
- 1000 AM – 1100 AM: Team formation (if necessary), brainstorming of ideas
- 1100 AM – 1000 PM: Work on projects
- September 15:
- 800 AM – 1000 PM: Work on projects
- September 17:
- 400 PM – 600 PM: Award ceremony with Judging and Presentation (during Student Reception)